The know-how of the professionals working in Consorzio Stabile Grifone, together with all its members, allows us not only to supply our customers with quality products in the shortest possible time. We are also able to offer consultancy services and provide specific training, both online and in person, to technical offices and design studios, local authorities and reclamation consortia, water cycle management and solid urban waste disposal companies.
As well as offering consultancy and training, we assist companies in compiling and submitting bids for public tenders or contracts.
Lastly, the specific training we provide also covers technical areas, and is available directly in our training centres: we operate three of these on the premises of three of our members (Campoformido, San Giovanni Teatino, Piacenza). The training provided prepares members to obtain the qualification of polyethylene welders, both head-to-head and electrofusion according to UNI 9737:2021, for classes 3 PE 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. The qualification certificate is issued by an accredited body.